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Wing JK, Babor TT, Brugha TT, et al. SCAN: Schedules fonr Clinical Assessment in Neuropsychiatry. Arch Gen Psychiatry.1990;47(6):589-593. doi:10.1001/archpsyc.1990.01810180089012. (See its Google Scholar link here)


SCAN Publications List

(Will be updated soon, 10/10/2014)

Andrews, G., L.Peters, A.M.Guzman and K.Bird(1995).

A comparison of two structured diagnostic interviews: CIDI and SCAN. Aust-N-Z-J-Psychiatry, 29(1), 124-32.

Bebbington, P.E. (1990)

continuity of Development: PSE9 and PSE 10. In: Psychiatry: A world perspective – volume 1, edited by Sefanis, C.N., Rabavilas, A.D. and Soldatos, C.R. Amsterdam, New York, Oxford: Elsevier Science Publishers B.V. (Biomedical Division), p. 93-99.

Bebbington, P.E. (1992)

Welcome to ICD-10… and welcome to SCAN. Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology,27, 255-257.

Bebbington, P.E.

Philosophy of SCAN System, CIDI-SCAN-IPDE Newsletter, Spanish version (in press)

Bebbington PE, Nayani T (1995)

The Psychosis Screening Questionnaire International-Journal-of-Methods-in- Psychiatric-Research; Apr Vol 5(1): 11-19

Brugha, T. and Bebbington, P.E. (1992)

A comparison of DSMII-R major depression and ICD 10- DCR depressive episode diagnostic criteria using PSE9 clinical data. International Journal of Methods in Psychiatric Research 2:1-4.

Brugha, T.S., A.Kaul, A.Dignon, D.Teather and K.M.Wills (2000)

Present State Examination by Microcomputer: Objectives and Experience of Preliminary Steps International Journal of Methods in Psychiatric Research (in press)

Brugha, T.S., F.J.Nienhuis, D.Bagchi, J.Smith, H.Meltzer (1999)

The survey form of SCAN: the feasibility of using experienced lay survey interviewers to administer a semi-structured systematic clinical assessment of psychotic and non psychotic disorders. Psychological Medicine, 29, 3: 703-712.

Cabras-P, S-W (1991)

Schizophrenia, manic-depressive psychoses and “middle cases”. Minerva-Psichiatr. 1-6, .

Canals J, M.YTColomina,J.L. Domingo, E. Doménech (1997)

Influence of smoking and drinking habits on salivary cortisol levels. Person. Individ. Diff. Vol. 23, 4: 593-599.

Canals J, E. Domènech, G. Carbajo, J. Bladé (1997)

Prevalence of DSM-III-R and ICD-10 psychiatric disorders in a Spanish population of 18-year-olds. Acta Psychiatr Scand, 96: 287-294.

Compton W.M., Cottler L.B.

Structured and Semi-Structured Instruments for Assessing Substance Use Disorders: The WHO CIDI-SAM vs the WHO SCAN (submitted)

Compton WM, Cottler LB, Dorsey KB, Spitznagel EL, Mager DE (1996)

Comparing assessments of DSM-IV substance dependence disorders using CIDI-SAM and SCAN. Drug And Alcohol Dependence, 41:179-187.

Compton WM, Cottler LB, Dorsey KB, Mager DE (1996)

Structured and semi-structured assessment of ICD-10 substance dependence disorders: CIDI-SAM vs. SCAN. International J. Methods Psychiatric Research, 6:285-293.

Dowrick, C.; Casey, P.; Dalgard, O.; Hosman, C.; Lehtinen, V.; Vázquez-Barquero, J.L. and the ODIN Group (1998)

Outcomes of Depression International Network (ODIN). Background, methods and field trials. British Journal of Psychiatry, 172: 359-363.

Eaton, W., Neufeld, K., Chen, L.S., Cai, G. (2000)

A Comparison of Self-report and Clinical Diagnostic Interviews for Depression. Diagnostic Interview Schedule and Schedules for Clinical Assessment in Neuropsychiatry in the Baltimore Epidemiological Catchment Area Follow up. Archives of General Psychiatry, 57, 217-222.

Eiberg H, Ewald H, Mors O. (1993)

Suggestion of linkage between manic-depressive illness and the enzyme phosphoglycolate phosphatase (PGP) on chromosome 16p. J Clin Genet, 44:254-7.

Ewald H, Mors O, Friedrich U, Flint T, Kruse T. (1994)

Exclusion of linkage between manic-depressive illness and tyrosine hydroxylase and dopamine D2 receptor genes. Psychiat Genet ,4:13-22.

Ewald H, Mors O, Eiberg H. (1994)

Linkage analysis between manic-depressive illness and 35 classical markers. Am J Med Genet (Neuropsychiatr Genet) ,54:144-8.

Ewald H, Mors O, Flint T, Kruse T. (1994)

Linkage analysis between manic-depressive illness and the region on chromosome 15q involved in Prader-Willi syndrome, including two GABA A receptor subtype genes. Hum Hered, 44:287-294.

Ewald H, Mors O, Flint T, Eiberg H, Kruse TA.(1994)

Linkage analysis between manic-depressive illness and the dopamine beta-hydroxylase gene. Psychiat Genet, 4:177-183.

Ewald H, Mors O, Flint T, Kruse TA. (1994)

Linkage analysis between manic-depressive illness and the region on chromosome 12q involved in Darier’s disease. Psychiat Genet,4:195-200.

Ewald H, Mors O, Flint T, Koed K, Eiberg H, Kruse TA. (1995)

A possible locus for manic-depressive illness on chromosome 16p13. Psychiat Genet, 5:71-81.

Ewald H, Mors O, Flint T, Friedrich U, Eiberg H, Kruse TA. (1995)

Linkage analysis between manic-depressive illness and markers from the long arm of chromosome 11. Am J Med Gene (Neuropsychiatric Genetics), 60:386-392.

Ewald H, Eiberg H, Mors O.(1995)

A search for genes predisposing to manic-depressive illness on chromosome 20. Psychiat Genet, 5:105-112.

Ewald H, Mors O, Eiberg H, Flint T, Kruse TA. (1995)

No evidence of linkage between manic-depressive illness and the DOPA decarboxylase gene or nearby region on chromosome 7p. Psychiat Genet, 5:161-170.

Ewald H, Koed K, Mors O, Flint T, Kruse TA. (1997)

Linkage analysis between manic-depressive illness and chromosome 18. A review and a study of Danish families. Psychiat Genet, 7:1-12.

Ewald H, Degn B, Mors O & Kruse TA. (1998)

Support for the possible locus on chromosome 4p16 for bipolar affective disorder. Molecular Psychiatry, 3:442-448.

Ewald H, Degn B, Mors O & Kruse TA. (1998)

Significant linkage between bipolar affective disorder and chromosome 12q. Psychiatric Genetics, 8:131-140.

Ewald H, Flint T, Degn B, Mors O, Kruse TA. (1998)

A functional variant of the serotonin transporter gene and families with bipolar affective disorder. J Affective Disord, 48:135-144.

Farmer A., Cosyns P., Leboyer M., Maier W., Mors O., Sargeant M., Bebbington P. and McGuffin P. (1993)

A SCAN-SADS comparison study of psychotic subjects and their first degree relatives. European Archives of Psychiatry and Clinical Neuroscience, 242, 352-356.

Farmer A., Chubb H., Jones I., Hillier J. et al. (1996)

Screening for psychiatric morbidity in subjects presenting with chronic fatigue syndrome.British-Journal-of-Psychiatry; Mar Vol 168(3) 354-358.

Ferdinand, R.F., Reijden, M. van der, Verhulst, F.C., Nienhuis, F.J., and R. Giel (1995)

Assessment of the Prevalence of Psychiatric Disorder in Young Adults. British Journal of Psychiatry, 166, 480-488.

Friedrich U, Mors O, Ewald H. (1996)

Systematic chromosome examination of two families with schizophrenia and two families with manic depressive illness. Am J Med Genet (Neuropsychiatric Genetics),67:58-62.

Grant BF, Towle LH (1990)

Standardized diagnostic interviews for alcohol research Alcohol-Health-and-Research-World; Vol 14(4) 340-348.

Gülick-Bailer M., Maurer K. (1992)

Das SCAN-System PSE-10): Komponenten, Einsatzbereiche und Trainingseffiziens. Kongressband des DGPN-Kongresses.

Gülick-Bailer M., Maurer K. (1994)

Das Mannheimer Trainingsprogramm zum SCAN- System (PSE10) unter Einsatz der Videotechnik, Buchbeitrag zur 16. Tagung des IAAPP. In: Ronge, J. & Kügelgen, B. (Hrsg.), Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York (in preparation)

Heckert, U., Andrade, L., Alves, M.J.M., & Martins, C. (1999)

Lifetime prevalence of mental disorderes among homeless people in a southeast city in Brazil. European Archives of Psychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences 249, 150-155.

Hillig A., Maurer K., Velthaus S. (1992)

Das present State Examination (PSE-10). Einsatz der Videotechnik bei Training und wissenschaftlicher Begleitforschung. In: Perspektiven des Videos in der klinischen Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie. In: J. Ronge and B. Kügelgen (Hrsg.), Springer-Verlag berlin Heidelberg New York London Paris Tokyo Hong Kong Barcelona Budapest.

Jablensky, A., Sartorius, N., Horschfeld, R.M.A. & Pardes, H. (1983)

Diagnosis and classification of mental disorders and drug related problems: a research agenda for the 1980’s Psychological Medicine, 13, 907-921 .

Janca, A., Üstün, T.B. and N.Sartorius (1994)

New versions of World Health Organization instruments for the assessment of psychiatric disorders. Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica, 90, 73-83.

Maurer, K., Hillig, A., Freyberger, H.J. and Velthaus, S. (1992)

Experiences with “Schedules for Clinical Assessment in Neuropsychiatry (SCAN)” within the scope of a multicenter field study. Schweiz.Arch.Neurol.Psychiatr.142:235-245.

Maurer, K., Biehl H., Kühner C., Löfler W. (1989)

On the Way to Expert Systems. Comparing DSM-III Computer Diagnoses with CATEGO (ICD) Diagnoses in Depressive and Schizophrenic Patients. European Archives of Psychiatry and Neurological Sciences 239: 127-132.

Maurer K., Löfler W., Kühner C., Ilg C., Biehl H. (1990)

Psychosendiagnostik und Expertensysteme: Der Vergleich operational isierter DSM-III-Computer Diagnosen mit CATEGO-ICD-Diagnosen bei schizophrenen und affektiven Störungen. Diagnostica 36: 166-179.

Mavreas, V.G., Vázquez-Barquero, J.L., Kontaxakis, V., Ploumbis, D and Wing, J.K.

Diagnosing dementia with the SCAN. In: Psychiatry: A world perspective – Volume 1, edited by Stefanis, C.N. Rabavilas, A.D. and Soldatos, C.R. Elsevier Science Publishers B.V. (Biomedical Division).

Mombour W., Zaudig M., Hillig A. (1990)

Standardisierte Erhebungsinstrumente in der psychiatrischen Diagnostik. TW neurologie Pychiatrie 4: 627-639

Mors, O., Sorensen, L.V., Therkildsen, M.L. (1992)

Distress in the relatives of psychiatric patients admitted for the first time. Acta Psychiatr. Scand. 85: 337-344.

Mors O, Sørensen LV (1993)

Incidence and comorbidity of psychiatric disorders from a well-defined catchment area in Denmark. Eur Psychiatry, 8:193-9.

Mors O, Sørensen LV, Therkildsen ML. (1993)

Belastningen af førstegangsindlagte psykiatriske patienters pårørende (dobbeltpublikaton). Ugeskr Læger, 155:1469-72.

Mors O, Sørensen LV. (1994)

Incidence and comorbidity of personality disorders among first ever admitted psychiatric patients. Eur Psychiatry, 9:175-84.

Mors O. (1994)

A descriptive epidemiological study of personality disorders among first ever admitted psychiatric patients in Denmark (dissertation). Aarhus: The University of Aarhus.

Page AC (1991)

An assessment of structured diagnostic interviews for adult anxiety disorders. International-Review-of-Psychiatry; Vol 3(2): 265-278.

Pickles, A.; Dunn, G.; Vázquez-Barquero, J.L. (1995)

Screening for stratification in two-phase (two-stage) epidemiological surveys. Statistical Methods in Medical Research, 1995; 4: 73-89

Pull C.B., Witchen H.U. (1991)

CIDI, SCAN and IPDE: structured diagnostic interviews for ICD-10 and DSM-III-R, European Psychiatry, 6: 277-85.

Rabavilas, A.D. and Soldatos, C.R. (1990)

Amsterdam, New York, Oxford: Elsevier Science Publishers B.V. (Biomedical Division), 1990, p. 107-112. ICD-10 and DSM-II-R Diagnoses. In: Psychiatry: A world perspective – Volume 1, edited by Stefanis, C.N. Amsterdam, New York, Oxford: Elsevier Science Publishers B.V. (Biomedical Division), p. 100-106

Rijnders, C.A.Th., J.F.M. van den Berg, P.P.G.Hodiamont, F.J.Nienhuis, J.W.Furer, J.Mulder and R.Giel (2000)

Psychometric properties of the Schedules for Clinical Assessment in Neuropsychiatry (SCAN-2.1) Social psychiatry and psychiatric epidemiology, 35, 8 p. 348-352

Sartorius, N., Janca.A. (1996)

Psychiatric assessment instruments developed by the World Health Organization. Soc Psychiatry Psychiatr Epidemiol, 31: 55-69.

Silverstone, P.HH (1993)

SCAN accurately gives diagnoses according to DSM-III–R criteria: Validation in psychiatric patients using SADS International-Journal-of-Methods-in-Psychiatric-Research; 3, 4: 209-213.

Sørensen LV, Mors O. (1992)

Social conditions of first-admittance schizophrenics compared with those of the general population. Nord J Psychiatry, 46:367-72.

Sørensen LV, Mors O. (1992)

Social conditions of first-admittance depressed patients compared with those of the general population. Nord J Psychiatry, 46:372-9.

Sørensen LV, Mors O. (1992)

Social isolation and personality of schizophrenic patients at first admittance and 12 months later. Nord J Psychiatry, 46:381-6.

Tomov.T. and Nikolov, V. (1990)

Reliability of SCAN categories and scores. Results of the filed trials. In: Psychiatry: A world perspective-Volume I, edited by Stefanis, C.N., Rabavilas, A.D., Soldatos, C.R.. Vol I: Classification and Psychopathology, Child Psychiatry, Athens, 12-19 October 1989. Amsterdam, the Netherlands: Excerpta Medica.

Üstün, T.B. (1990)

SCAN: ICD-10 and DSM-II-R Diagnoses: In: Psychiatry: A world perspective – Volume I, edited by Stefanis, C.N. Amsterdam, New York, Oxford: Elsevier Science Publishers B.V. (Biomedical Division), p. 100-106

Üstün, T.B., Wittchen, H-U. (1992)

Instruments for the assessment of substance use disorders. Current Opinion in Psychiatry – Volume 5, p.412-419

Üstün. T.B. SCAN

Knowledge Base: Immunity to Diagnostic Revisions, text presented at ECST Strasbourg Forum, (submitted for publication)

Varma. V.K. (1991)

Psychiatric symptoms in patients with non-organic intractable pain. Indian-J-Med-Res.60-63.

Vázquez-Barquéro, J.L., J. Artal Simón, L. Gaite Pindado, A. Arenal

Los cuestionarios para la evaluación clínica en neuropsiquiatría (Sistema SCAN) en el diagnóstico de los trastornos por uso de alcohol y otras sustancias. En: La investigación epidemiológica de las drogodependencias. Cap. 7. Ed. ICEPSS Editores, S.L. Canarias.

Vázquez-Barquéro, J.L., V. Mavreas, A. Arenal & J.K. Wing (1990)

Evaluación del deterioro cognitivo mediante el Sistema SCAN. p. 277-281. ARAN Ediciones, Madrid.

Vázquez-Barquéro, J.L. (1993)

SCAN Cuestionarios para la Evaluación Clínica en Neuropsiquiatría. Editor. J.L. Vázquez-Barquero. Publicaciones MEDITOR, Madrid.

Vázquez-Barquéro, J.L., Herrera Castanedo, S., Gaite, L.(1993)

La Entrevista estruturada en Psiquitría, The structured interview in Psychiatry, Revista de la Asociaciòn Espanol de Neuropsiquiatria: 44:19-38.

Vázquez-Barquéro, J.L.; Gaite, L. (1993)

Los trabojos de desarrollo y adaptación des Sistema SCAN a la lengua expanola. XIX Congreso Nacional de la Sociedad Espanola de Psiquiatría. Bilbao.

Vázquez-Barquéro, J.L. (1993)

Introducción a la metodología en la entrevista SCAN. XVII Reunión Nacional de la Sociedad Espanola de Psiquiatría Biológica, Salamanca.

Vázquez-Barquéro, J.L.; Garcia, J.; Artal Simon, J.; Iglesias, C.; Montejo, J.; Herran, A., and Dunn, G. (1997)

Mental Health in Primary Care. An epidemiological study of morbidity and use of health resources. British Journal of Psychiatry, 170: 529-535.

WHO (1994)

SCAN Schedules for Clinical Assessement in Neuropsychiatry. Deutsche Übersetzung. Hrsg. van Gülick-Bailer, M., Maurer K. & Häfner, H. Verlag Hans Huber, Bern, Gottingen, Toronto, (in press)

Williams J, Farmer A, McGuffin P, Mors O et al

An international reliability study of the OPCRIT System. Psychol Med 1996;26:775-783.

Wing, J.K., Babor,T., Brugha, T.E., Burke, J., Cooper, J.E., Giel.R, Jablenski, A., Regier, D. and N.Sartorius (1990)

SCAN. Schedules for Clinical Assessment in Neuropsychiatry. Archives of General Psychiatry, 47, 589-593.

Wing, J.K. (1990)

Introduction to the field trials of SCAN (schedules for clinical assessment in neuropsychiatry). In: Psychiatry: A world perspective – Volume I, edited by Stefanis, C.N. Rabavilas, A.D. and Soldatos, C.R. Amsterdam, New York, Oxford: Elsevier Science Publishers B.V. (Biomedical Division), p. 91-92

Wing, J.K. (1996)

SCAN and the PSE tradition. Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology, 31, 50-54.

Schedules for Clinical Assessment in Neuropsychiatry